Here is a list of common acronyms you'll see around the gym and their definitions :)
name | definitions |
AMRAP | As Many reps/Rounds as Possible |
BB | Barbell |
BBJO | Box Jump Over |
BJ | Box Jump |
BJO | Box Jump Over |
BMU | Bar Muscle Up |
BP | Bench Press |
BW | Body Weight |
BW | Body Weight |
C&J | Clean and Jerk |
C2B | Chest To Bar Pull-up |
CAL | Calories (row, ski, bike, etc.) |
DB | Dumbbell |
DL | Deadlift |
DU | Double Under |
EMOM | Every Minute on the Minute |
FR | Front Rack (Position) |
FS | Front Squat |
G2OH | Ground to Overhead |
GHD | Glute Ham(string) Developer |
HSPU | Handstand Push-up |
KB | Kettlebell |
ME | Maximum Effort |
METCON | Metabolic Conditioning |
MOD | Modification |
MU | Muscle Up |
OH | Overhead Squat |
OTM | On the Min |
PB | Personal Best |
PP | Push Press |
PR | Personal Record |
PU | Pull-up or Push-up |
PVC | PVC Pipe |
RDL | Romanian Deadlift |
Rds | Rounds |
Rep | Repetition |
RFT | Rounds For Time |
ROM | Range of Motion |
RR | Ring Row |
RX | As prescribed in the work out |
S2OH | Shoulder to Overhead |
SDL | Sumo Deadlift |
SDLHP | Sumo Deadlift High Pull |
Set | A number of Repetitions |
SU | Single Under |
SUB | Substitute |
T2B or TTB | Toes to Bar |
TNG | Touch N Go |
WB | Wall Ball |
WOD | Workout of the Day |
If you have any questions or you would like to be a guest blogger, or if you would like to have your gym added above, please email us at blog@liftingthedream
Bee Tee Dubs (BTW).

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